The following section contains resources that are referenced in the Trans Canada Trail: How It All Began.
Chapter 3
Document prepared at the very beginning of the project, which subsequently served to answer many questions about it.
Chapter 4
Fragments of two 1992 letters co-signed by Canada 125 Co-Chairs Claude Dupras and Frank King, supporting the nascent Trans Canada Trail with less government funding than initially proposed, as part of the ongoing negotiations over the proposed Trail project (see Chapter Four of the book for a discussion of these letters).
Chapter 5
2010 Government of Canada Press Release confirming $10 million in new funding for the Trans Canada Trail in anticipation of route completion in time for Canada 150 in 2017.
Chapter 6
Letters from Camu, Campbell and more.
Chapter 11
To see another example of a tabloid regarding the evolution of clothing, see the gallery. This tabloid is dated October 1995.
Letter to Pratt from Roger Collet, Assistant Deputy Minister, Citizenship and Canadian Unity, Canadian Heritage.
Chapter 12
This is a part of a memorandum written by Pratt. I have not included the memo in its entirety because Pratt was very frustrated at the time that he wrote it, and as a result he expressed some rather harsh opinions regarding the situation. After much thought, I decided that it would not be fair to Pratt or others to include the memo in its entirety. However, even the parts of the memo contained here reflect the difficult situation the Foundation was in. As indicated in the memo, Camu even wanted to return money to donors and discontinue the project.